About us What is EPTIS and who are we
EPTIS database
EPTIS helps you find a suitable proficiency testing (PT) scheme for your laboratory (a PT scheme is a coherent series of one or more proficiency testing rounds). For a large number of schemes we have produced data sheets and collected them in the PT scheme database. What is not included in the database is topical information on next PT rounds (a PT round is a single proficiency test, often carried out in the frame of a PT scheme). When is the next round, and what is the matrix material this time? This information is too dynamic as to be included in the database. But you can find such details for a selection of schemes in our PT calendar.
At present, a listing on the database is only open to PT providers from countries that are covered by our so-called coordinators. They check the plausibility of the data sheet submissions and decide on their publication. They speak the language and are ideally familiar with local PT providers and cultural peculiarities. This helps to safeguard a reasonable level of database quality. There is no cost for PT providers who follow this basic mechanism.
EPTIS Consortium
The EPTIS database is a joint publication of a worldwide consortium of organizations. The members of this consortium are all involved in PT in one way or another and play a prominent role in national or international quality infrastructures. There are coordinating members, who play a more active role in EPTIS, and supporting members who provide a more intangible backup. Overall coordinator of EPTIS is the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Germany.
A peek into our history: the European PT Information System or EPTIS was the name of an EU project that aimed at making an inventory of regularly operated PT schemes in the participating countries. The project partners were major national laboratories and institutes. The project resulted in a database with 590 PT schemes called the EPTIS database which went online in 2000. After the project had ended, the 16 partners agreed to continue the development on a voluntary and not-for-profit basis. They laid down the rules of their cooperation in a Joint Protocol and invited further organizations to join. A large number of organizations has followed their invitation in the meantime: today, the EPTIS database lists around 5,000 PT schemes from around 40 countries worldwide - and it's still growing. So, who are our present members:
- Egypt
- EGAC Egyptian Accreditation Council | Contact: Ms. Basma Taha Hussien
- Pan African region
- NMISA National Metrology Institute of South Africa | Contact: Mr. Donald Masuku
- Argentina
- OAA Organismo Argentino de Acreditación | Contact: Ms. Eliana Ditta
- Bolivia
- IBMETRO Instituto Boliviano de Metrología | Contact: Ms. Elizabeth Choque Mamani
- Brazil
- INMETRO Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia | Contact: Mr. Rodrigo Caciano de Sena
- Canada
- SCC Standards Council of Canada | Contact: Mr. Vivekananthan Kulasingham
- Chile
- INN Instituto Nacional de Normalización| Contact: Mr. Manuel Navarrete Rossel
- Colombia
- ONAC Organismo Nacional de Acreditación de Colombia | Contact: Mr. Mauricio Rodríquez
- Costa Rica
- ECA Entidad Costarricense de Acreditación | Contact: Mr. Humberto Mora
- Cuba
- ONARC Órgano Nacional de Acreditación | Contact: Mr. Adalberto Collazo Palacios
- Ecuador
- SAE Servicio de Acreditación del Ecuador | Contact: Mr. Walter Pérez
- Guatemala
- OGA Oficina Guatemalteca de Acreditación | Contact: Mr. Erik Alvarado
- Honduras
- OHA Oficina Hondureña de Acreditación | Contact: Ms. Liza Madride
- Mexico
- EMA Entidad Maxicana de Acreditación | Contact: Mr. Luis Enrique Ortiz Martinez
- Nicaragua
- ONA Oficina Nacional de Acreditación | Contact: Mr. Samuel Orogena
- Panama
- CNA Comisión Nacional de Acreditación | Contact: Mr. Jairo Valdese
- Paraguay
- ONA Organismo Nacional de Acreditación | Contact: Ms. Johana Lucía Blanco Benítez
- Perú
- INACAL Instituto Nacional de Calidad | Contact: ask Secretariat
- El Salvador
- CONACYT Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología El Salvador | Contact: Ms. Wendy Regaladoe
- Uruguay
- OUA Organismo Uruguayo de Acreditación | Contact: Ms. Liliana Somma
- United States
- Contact: ask Secretariat
- China
- CNAS China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment | Contact: Mr. Ping He
- Gulf region
- GSO, the Standardization Organization of GCC, the Gulf Cooperation Council | Contact: Mr. Ibrahim Alhashaf
- South Korea
- KOLAS Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme | Contact: Ms. Jeong-min Han
- Thailand
- Ministry of Public Health, Department of Medical Sciences | Contact: Ms. Patravee Soisangwan
- Turkey
- TSE Turkish Standards Institution | Contact: Mr. Ömer Faruk Altuntaş
- Vietnam
- AoV Accreditation of Vietnam | Contact: Mr. Nguyen Tu Tuan Anh
- Australia
- NMI National Measurement Institute | Contact: Ms. Luminita Antin
- Austria
- BMAW Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Wirtschaft | Contact: Mr. Heinz Fröschl
- Belarus
- BelGIM Belarussian State Institute of Metrology | Contact: Ms. Vera Naidenova
- Belgium
- VITO Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek | Contact: Mr. Rudy van Cleuvenbergen
- Czech Republic
- CMI Ceský Metrologický Institut | Contact: Ms. Simona Klenovská
- Denmark
- DMU Danmarcks Miljøundersøgelser | Contact: Ms. Pia Lassen
- Finland
- SYKE Suomen ympäristökeskus | Contact: Ms. Mirja Leivuori
- France
- LNE Laboratoire National d'Essais | Contact: Mr. Patrick Bironneau
- Germany
- BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung | Contact: Mr. Johannes van de Kreeke (Secretariat)
- Hungary
- QualiCont In Vitro Diagnostic Control | Contact: Ms. Eszter Mezey
- Greece
- GCSL General Chemical State Laboratory | Contact: Ms. Vicky Nikou
- Ireland
- NMI National Metrology Laboratory | Contact: Mr. Paul Hetherington
- and State Laboratory | Contact: Ms. Ita Kinahan
- Italy
- UNICHIM Associazione per l’Unificazione nel Settore dell’Industria Chimica | Contact: Ms. Laura Galli
- Netherlands
- VSL Dutch Metrology Institute | Contact: Mr. Peter van Otterloo
- Norway
- NIVA Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning | Contact: ask Secretariat
- Portugal
- RELACRE Associação de Laboratoriós Acreditados de Portugal | Contact: Ms. Ana Maria Duarte
- Slovakia
- SLM - Slovenská Legálna Metrológia | Contact: Ms. Laura Gruberová
- Slovenia
- MIRS - Urad RS za meroslovje | Contact: ask Secretariat
- Spain
- LGC Standards | Contact: Mr. Miquel Navarro
- Sweden
- RISE Research Institutes of Sweden | Contact: Mr. Bertil Magnusson
- Switzerland
- SAS Schweizerische Akkreditierungsstelle | Contact: Mr. Ian Mann
- United Kingdom
- LGC Standards | Contact: Mr. Savvas Xystouris
- Ukraine
- Ukrmetrteststandard | Contact: Ms. Yelizaveta Tarasenko